Move on up
Have you noticed this in the past few years? That your health is moving up on the to-do list?
People who were 55-90 years old were surveyed about their beliefs about their health and what contributed to a healthy lifestyle in a new study by AARP and National Geographic.
It was noted that participants recognized that good health is no longer a given and it’s a critical time to stabilize health and engage in activities that will improve wellbeing.
These last few weeks, I’ve been part of a teaching lab of my own making as I recover from Covid.
The three days of fever were debilitating and the lingering lung issues were worrisome and troubling.
I’ve known several people with long-haul Covid symptoms and wanted to avoid dealing, at all costs, with the ongoing effects of this insidious virus.
Keep this list handy
That’s when I created the list of alternative therapies that I repeated until I had that moment…you know...
One of my favorite songs is “Seasons of Love” from “Rent”.
The lyrics remind us to pay attention to what really counts.
The melody is uplifting.
And it’s a reminder that there are 525,600 minutes in a year.
I invite you to embrace a few of these life hacks and create space for events and days where there is more patience, kindness, love, and understanding in your world.
You have items on your daily to-do list.
Studies show that when there’s a time limit associated with a task, the chances of it getting done in the allotted time increases.
How do you know if you’ve reached your goal if you haven’t set one?
Accomplish what you set out to do and befriend the feeling of a timely success.
You’ve just created space, now fill it with something that feels good to...
Walking in springtime. Sounds like a song title.
Ready to get out and release the winter dust that may have descended during the chilly months?
Let’s go for a walk. Maybe even more than once a day.
Even 15 minutes a day of moderate-intensity walking can increase life expectancy by three years and lowers your risk of death by 14 percent, according to Health magazine.
Ever since I was diagnosed with sciatica back in July and was advised to not do forward bends, I took to the sidewalks, and trails. I love a challenge. I had relied on my beloved yoga community to supply me with mindful movement strategies for years. Could I meet my same exercise quota through walks and weights?
FITT is good to follow to ensure a successful workout.
Frequency reminds one to move often.
Intensity brings to mind the idea that for moderate exercise, you can carry on a conversation, and for intense movement, it would be difficult to sing...
Which ones have you seen lately?
My first harbingers of spring are usually the birds. On February 12, I saw and heard my first red-wing blackbirds. These songbirds are so apparent with their call (“come-for-tea”) and bright red wings. They usually arrive in a flock so it’s hard to miss them.
The most important factor in noticing them is to be out in nature. Got a bird feeder? They’ll arrive there. Live near water? Blackbirds or other newly-arriving flocks can be found in a tree overlooking a stream, river, or lake.
Call to them. Repeat their song and they’ll respond to you. I love doing this as I walk past a tree that they’re sitting in. I feel as though we’re friends.
Another sign I noticed is magpies with twigs or grasses in their beaks. I don’t see where they’re landing and yet I know there will be squawking in a few months from babies demanding (in no...
How big is your heart?
As a powerful 50+ woman, do you struggle with ways to keep your heart healthy?
Just think about it, your heart beats 100,000 times a day. It is part of the autonomic nervous system.
Thank goodness that all of this remarkable reliability takes place without us having to think about it.
February is Healthy Heart Month-a perfect month for Valentine’s Day!
Here are a few heartful facts…
An adult heart is about the size of two hands clasped together. A child’s heart is about the size of a fist.
The youngest person who underwent heart surgery was one minute old.
More heart attacks occur on Monday than on any other day of the week.
The fairy fly, which is a kind of wasp, has the smallest heart of any living creature.
Your arteries are 4 millimeters thick (It doesn’t take much for greasy foods to clog them).
It only takes 20 seconds for a red blood cell to...
January 2022 Blog What's More Important than Your Optimal Health?
We have so much to focus on, so much to learn and witness.
Let’s get set up for this year’s success.
What’s more important than your optimal health?
Use your energy as wisely as possible.
Make a difference, as you live a balanced life.
What will your next purposeful health chapter look like?
How vital is it to Nourish Your Vitality?
This is the byline of ARAY Wellness Coaching. What does that mean to you?
Especially as we move more comfortably into the seat of the elder, we need ways to boost our balance on body, mind, and soul levels.
Know how to switch from the fear of falling, to embracing empowerment.
To silence the food gremlins and be the boss of your food and drink.
How many of you wish you could keep your cool more often when the situation starts to heat up?
This awareness of your vitality...
Once again, the Holidays are upon us!
Who’s ready to look at them through a different lens?
Be open to new possibilities.
Grab a pen and paper. Close the door. Pretend it’s a brainstorming session with yourself and make two lists with five items on each one:
List # 1: five things that you have your heart set on doing between now and January.
List # 2: five items that you’d like to let go of between now and the New Year.
Post the lists in a common area as Redesign Reminders. As you reflect on how you are redesigning the holidays, here are a few attributes that will help along the way...
Self-compassion will soothe your racing heart or dry the tear after a difficult conversation. When I was at a low point, a friend once let me in on a secret. She said, “Compare and Despair.” It’s become one of my mantras. If you need a time-out to prevent blowing your stack, take it. There will be less to...
Isn’t it funny how our taste buds change over the years?
Then, Skippy peanut butter was the cat’s meow.
Now, it’s freshly ground nut butter from the coop.
A frequent treat had always been stopping at the bakery on the way home from school for a cruller.
Now, the Left-over Oatmeal Muffins with fruit and nuts are the sweet of choice.
Then and now….how things evolve.
I’m in the middle of my fourth fast of the year.
Three days with only liquids and three days on either side to wean off and back onto food.
What are the benefits?
Get to The Other Side
How do you build bridges in your life? We have so many options to create paths of body, mind, and soul unity.
I have always loved bridges. Creating connection is critical in today’s fractured world. The pandemic and the Delta variant make it even more important to devise ways that keep you in communication with others. Whether it’s through a phone call, email, or text, there are ways to reach out without being face-to-face, and employing them serves as a two-way street. Your contact may be the only touchstone your friend or loved one may receive that day, in several days, or that week. When was the last time you received a “hello note” from a friend? Bring a smile to someone by being that person who starts the ball rolling.
When I teach or do yoga, I always include a bridge (Setu bhandasana) pose. It is a multi-faceted posture and tones the pelvic floor (I dare you to do a Kegel or two or five, right now!)...
Watch underlying health conditions resolve when you are the boss of sugar and caffeine.
Make small changes for a big impact in your life. Abundant, pure energy offers so much, especially at ages 50 and over. Sixty million Americans have a sleep disorder which can lead to irritability, diabetes, and heart disease.
Eat the food rainbow for its many benefits. Red fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits and may lower the risk of heart disease. Blue and purple foods may boost brain power and lessen the risk of a type-2 diabetes diagnosis.
Increase your consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables as an alternative to sugary foods. Reduce sugary foods in the diet and minimize the production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Without the hormonal imbalance brought on by excessive sugar, the ease with which one can relax, sleep more easily, and remember more, is magnified.
Do some...
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