ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter


February 2020

Volunteerism will bring many hidden benefits to your life.


Every Thursday I go to jail. I’m lucky because I come home at the end of the day. When I received my yoga teacher certification in 2016, it felt as though a missing piece of my teaching puzzle was put into place. I could share my love of mindful movement with others. My mat became a magical carpet that took my body and mind to new horizons. I could explore new possibilities with my breath and spirit. Slowly, it began to dawn on me that there was a limited demographic in my wheelhouse. Was it possible to share these amazing postures with people who were less fortunate, who didn’t have the disposable income to spend on yoga? Could I teach in jail?


Shortly after I started having this desire to broaden my scope of yoga students, a Prison Yoga Training was offered not far from my home. Within a weekend, I realized it would be possible to teach people who are incarcerated. My teacher, James...

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Get Sweaty ~ At a Covid-19 Distance!

March 2020

Get Sweaty ~ At a Covid-19 Distance!


Staying active makes you happier and more confident.  Considering the state of the world right now, who doesn’t want to be happier and more confident physically, emotionally, and spiritually? With every freedom comes responsibility. Try exercising 10-15 minutes for every hour you’re looking at a screen.


I confess I have been known to fall asleep while watching movies at night. I am an early morning person. I’ve been going to the gym for 6:00 am classes for years. How, you might ask? I pretend as though I can’t tell time. Don’t hit the snooze button! Especially right now, when the alarm goes off, roll out of bed, and get to class while you’re still half asleep. Getting your feet on the ground can be the thing that takes the most strength all day, just like pushing away from the table at the end of each meal! Give me 10-15 active minutes per screen hour! Go get sweaty and happy....

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