ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter


February 2020

Volunteerism will bring many hidden benefits to your life.


Every Thursday I go to jail. Iā€™m lucky because I come home at the end of the day. When I received my yoga teacher certification in 2016, it felt as though a missing piece of my teaching puzzle was put into place. I could share my love of mindful movement with others. My mat became a magical carpet that took my body and mind to new horizons. I could explore new possibilities with my breath and spirit. Slowly, it began to dawn on me that there was a limited demographic in my wheelhouse. Was it possible to share these amazing postures with people who were less fortunate, who didnā€™t have the disposable income to spend on yoga? Could I teach in jail?


Shortly after I started having this desire to broaden my scope of yoga students, a Prison Yoga Training was offered not far from my home. Within a weekend, I realized it would be possible to teach people who are incarcerated. My teacher, James Foxx, has been teach...

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