ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

What is your door into the extraordinary? August 2024 Newsletter

How do you describe yourself to others? We define ourselves partly by sharing what we find astonishing. Engaging in personal reflection, whether through books or experiences, deepens our wisdom. Contributing our deep knowing to the collective not only heals the self and others but also invites us to be introspective and contemplative. 

As an adult, I deepened my love affair with plants through plant identification books and herbals, both modern and ancient. I became a gardener, clocking 10,000 hours on a bent knee, becoming intimate with the seasonal cycles in a garden. 


There are a myriad of ways to embrace the unknown. Have you ever gone on a blindfolded trust walk through the woods? How many trees have you hugged? When did you last sit by a green growing thing and listen for the wisdom? 


Little did I know that I had changed on a cellular level. I knew on body, mind, and soul levels which plants were the best remedies for various ailments. This...

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