ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

What Will You Devote Your Love and Attention to this Year?

January 2021


In the end, only 3 things matter: how deeply you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. ~Buddha

People have been meditating and journaling and doing meditative music for as long as there have been people. Follow your heart this year, for “Your heart shines by its own light.” ~Yoga Sutras

It’s a new year! We made it through. Daily, go within and manifest your best 2021. Share it with the world. Our universe depends on it. I can’t wait to see the great changes that are in store for you! Let’s continue our journey together.

In the January 3-day Live stream, New Year, Healthy You ~ 3 Paths to Manifest Your Healthiest 2021 ~ Body, Mind, and Soul, we turned inward. Aligning the chakras helps us to notice and source energy from those centers that are strong and send energy to the chakras that need our attention. 

We journaled to answer questions that help us bring into being that which...

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