ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

July 2022 Blog What's on Your To-Do List?

Move on up

Have you noticed this in the past few years? That your health is moving up on the to-do list?


People who were 55-90 years old were surveyed about their beliefs about their health and what contributed to a healthy lifestyle in a new study by AARP and National Geographic.


It was noted that participants recognized that good health is no longer a given and it’s a critical time to stabilize health and engage in activities that will improve wellbeing.


These last few weeks, I’ve been part of a teaching lab of my own making as I recover from Covid.

The three days of fever were debilitating and the lingering lung issues were worrisome and troubling.

I’ve known several people with long-haul Covid symptoms and wanted to avoid dealing, at all costs, with the ongoing effects of this insidious virus.


Keep this list handy

That’s when I created the list of alternative therapies that I repeated until I had that moment…you know...

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