ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

August 2022 Blog Squats well with others



Does this describe you? Squats well with others!  


I am grateful for the energy surges I receive when I push my body, just to the limit. Sometimes my body gives me a ticket when I’ve gone over the edge. That’s when I’m so glad to have a few self-care tricks up my sleeve. 


Now you can too.  


Warm it Up!

OK, maybe it’s a sign of graceful aging…I keep a heating pad next to my desk and use it often. 

My chiropractor recommended using heat for 20 minutes, a few times a day. 

I use one like this. The pad itself is a little longer so I can sit on it in the middle and get both my lower back and hamstrings. 

It’s great to have the 2 hour shut-off in case I forget to turn it off. 

Three heat settings offer options and the cover is washable. 

I’ll use it in the morning before I do my work out and I’ve warmed up my spine before I even start my warm...

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