ARAY Wellness Coaching Newsletter

April 2022 Blog Walking in Springtime

Walking in springtime. Sounds like a song title. 

Ready to get out and release the winter dust that may have descended during the chilly months? 

Let’s go for a walk. Maybe even more than once a day. 

Even 15 minutes a day of moderate-intensity walking can increase life expectancy by three years and lowers your risk of death by 14 percent, according to Health magazine. 


Ever since I was diagnosed with sciatica back in July and was advised to not do forward bends, I took to the sidewalks, and trails. I love a challenge. I had relied on my beloved yoga community to supply me with mindful movement strategies for years. Could I meet my same exercise quota through walks and weights? 


FITT is good to follow to ensure a successful workout. 

Frequency reminds one to move often.  

Intensity brings to mind the idea that for moderate exercise, you can carry on a conversation, and for intense movement, it would be difficult to sing...

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